Product Description
Our Baleen Whale has a black upper body, blue lower body and white baleen. He has grooves on his throat which identify him as a member of the rorqual (Norwegian for furrow) family. Rorqual whales have 25-90 throat grooves that expand accordion-like when feeding. Please note! This small baleen whale toy is made of solid plastic and does not actually float in water. We think he'd make a wonderful addition to your sea-life diorama or school project. He can also be used as a toy or added to your animal collection. Be sure to look over our other whale toys and gifts.
Toy model plastic Baleen Whale
Replica small toy whale
The 12 species of baleen whale are divided into 4 families: right whales, pygmy right whales, gray whales and rorqual whales. Females are larger than males. The blue whale is the largest baleen whale and the largest animal on the planet. A mature whale's average weight is about 70 tons and they measure up to 85 feet. At an average of 20 feet and 5 tons, the pygmy right whale is the smallest and most mysterious baleen whale. It is rarely seen at sea and little is know about it. Baleen whales have 2 blow holes and long plates of strong, flexible baleen hanging in a row from their upper jaws, for which the whales are named. Huge volumes of ocean water are strained through the comb-like baleen to capture the krill, zooplankton, crustaceans and small fish these aquatic mammals feed on.