Product Description
Our Common Palm Civet Plastic Replica Our common palm civet is made of hard plastic and measures 2 1/2 inches from nose to tail and stands approximately 3/4 inches high. It was mislabeled as a binturong, which is entirely black, unlike our spotted friend. This plastic civet cat is great for school projects, toys, novelties, animal collections, party favors and more. Our plastic common palm civet is for decoration or play only. You can make an awesome civet shoebox diorama using this and other plastic creatures from our gift shop. Best of all, there is no mess, no feeding, and no tank or cage cleaning :) Come see our wonderful assortment of civet toys.
The civet family (Viverridae) includes binturongs, civet cats, falanoucs, fossas, genet cats, linsangs, mongooses and meerkats (which are actually a type of mongoose). They are related to the cat family but are not actually cats. They do have a cat-like body, but with shorter legs and a longer tail. Their face resembles that of a weasel. These mostly nocturnal (active at night) mammals are native to Asia (including Indonesia and the Philippines), Africa (including Madagascar) and southern Europe. Some species are terrestrial (ground dwellers), but most are arboreal (tree dwellers); some are carnivores (eat only meat) and others are omnivores (eat fruits and vegetables as well as meat). Civet cats have scent-producing glands that secrete a musky-smelling substance which is used as a perfume fixative. The common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is a solitary, arboreal, nocturnal animal that lives in the tropical forests of south Asia. Although it is omnivorous, it prefers fruits. It is also called a musang or toddy cat.