Product Description
We have a huge number of authentic Snake Designs of different sizes, species and texture. Use them in craft projects, as party favors, cupcake decorations and in science projects. 5 1/2" Long.
Existing in 11 "old-world" and over 65 "new-world" species, coral snakes are a large family of venomous snakes found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world. All coral snakes have a similar striped pattern, including stripes of red, yellow/white, and black. In North America, folk rhymes have have developed regarding the pattern of the colored stripes to tell the highly-venomous coral snakes from non-venomous mimics, including "red on yellow, kill a on black, friend of Jack". Coral snakes feed on smaller snakes, birds, rodents, lizards, and frogs. Some coral snakes are entirely aquatic, while others exist in the ground clutter of rainforests. "New-world" coral snake produce some of the most potent venom of any Western Hemisphere snake, and are considered potentially dangerous to humans. Experts now recognize that certain coloration patterns and common mnemonics - such as the phrase “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, friend of Jack,” which people sometimes use to distinguish between the venomous coral snake and the non-venomous milksnake - are not consistent enough to be trustworthy. While any snake exhibiting the coral snake's color and/or banding pattern in the southeastern United States will almost certainly, in fact, be a coral snake, there are coral snakes in other parts of the world which are colored differently. Coral snakes in the United States are most notable for their red, yellow/white, and black-colored banding. However, several nonvenomous species in the U.S. have similar (though not identical) bandings, including the two scarlet snake species in the genus Cemophora, and some of the kingsnakes (including the aforementioned milksnakes) in the genus Lampropeltis. However, in reference to the mnemonic phrase “red touching yellow, a deadly fellow,” some of these kingsnakes do not naturally display any red touching yellow, to begin with. Additionally, some ground snakes in the genus Sonora (of the southwestern U.S.) can have a color pattern that matches that of the sympatric Sonoran coral snake (Micruroides euryxanthus). No genuine coral snake in the U.S. exhibits red bands of color, in contact with bands of black, except in rare cases of an aberrant pattern. Thus, while on extremely rare occasions when a certain non-venomous snake might be mistaken for a coral snake, the mnemonic holds true. However, a red–yellow–black banded snake in the U.S. (whose red and black banding actually touch) is rarely a venomous coral snake.
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