Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Chinese, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, High Quality Rubber, Realistic, Toy, Figure, Kids, Model, Replica, Educational, Gift, 4" CH502 BB156 $8.59 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Owl, Great Gray Owl, Spectral, Grey, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, Realistic Figure, Model, Replica, Toy, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH499 BB155 $9.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Domestic, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, High Quality Rubber, Realistic, Toy, Figure, Kids, Model, Replica, Educational, Gift, 1 3/4" CH494 BB154 $4.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Canada Goose, Canadian Honker, Bird, Geese, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH488 BB154 $9.59 $8.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Chicken, Life Cycle of a Chicken, 4 Stages, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber Farm Animal, Figure, Model, Realistic, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH492 BB150 $12.99 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Rooster, Cock, Chicken, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2" CH389 BB144 $9.99 $8.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Northern Cardinal, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH342 BB134 $12.99 $10.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Rooster, Cock, Chicken, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH341 BB134 $10.99 $8.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Turkey. Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3 1/2" CH340 BB134 $11.59 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Pileated Woodpecker, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Plastic Bird, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH309 BB129 $12.99 $10.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Seagull, Sea Gulls, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3 1/2" CH308 BB129 $9.99 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, White Pelican with Fish, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH274 BB124 $12.99 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Cormorant, Shag, Snake Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH273 BB124 $9.89 $7.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Chinese, Hand Painted, Museum Quality Rubber Bird, Educational, Realistic, Lifelike, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH259 BB123 $6.99 $5.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Vulture, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH228 BB119 $12.99 $9.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Seagull, Sea Gull, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 7" CH211 BB118 $10.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Raven, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3" CH210 BB118 $6.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Kiwi Bird, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH209 BB118 $10.59 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Cassowary, Cassowaries, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH206 BB118 $10.89 $8.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Eagle, Bald Eagle, North America, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH204 BB117 $12.99 $9.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Chinese, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, High Quality Rubber, Realistic, Toy, Figure, Kids, Model, Replica, Educational, Gift, 4" CH502 BB156 This Chinese goose figure includes hand painted features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a museum quality replica. Highest Quality Natural Rubber. The Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides... $8.59 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Owl, Great Gray Owl, Spectral, Grey, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, Realistic Figure, Model, Replica, Toy, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH499 BB155 This Great grey owl figure includes hand painted features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a museum quality replica. Highest Quality Natural Rubber. The great grey owl (Strix... $9.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Domestic, Hand Painted, Rubber Bird, High Quality Rubber, Realistic, Toy, Figure, Kids, Model, Replica, Educational, Gift, 1 3/4" CH494 BB154 This Goose figure includes hand painted features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a High quality replica. Highest Quality Natural Rubber. The two living genera of true geese are: Anser, grey... $4.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Canada Goose, Canadian Honker, Bird, Geese, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH488 BB154 This Canadian goose figure includes hand painted features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a museum quality replica. Highest Quality Natural Rubber. The Canada goose (Branta... $9.59 $8.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Chicken, Life Cycle of a Chicken, 4 Stages, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber Farm Animal, Figure, Model, Realistic, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH492 BB150 Life Cycle of a Chicken The Egg, In chickens, the process of egg laying occurs during the long stretches of summer months. A female hen after ovulation takes around 23 to 26 hours to lay the eggs. Another ovulation occurs in hens, one hour after... $12.99 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Rooster, Cock, Chicken, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2" CH389 BB144 This Rooster figure includes hand painted features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a museum quality replica. Highest Quality Natural Rubber. An adult male chicken is... $9.99 $8.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Northern Cardinal, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 5" CH342 BB134 The male Northern Cardinal is perhaps responsible for getting more people to open up a field guide than any other bird. They’re a perfect combination of familiarity, conspicuousness, and style: a shade of red you can’t take your eyes off... $12.99 $10.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Rooster, Cock, Chicken, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH341 BB134 Bird. An adult male chicken is called a “rooster” and an adult female is called a “hen.” Roosters are larger, usually more brightly colored, and have larger combs on top of their heads compared to hens. Chickens can fly but... $10.99 $8.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Turkey. Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3 1/2" CH340 BB134 Turkey, either of two species of birds classified as members of either the family Phasianidae or Meleagrididae (order Galliformes). The best known is the common turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), a native game bird of North America that has been widely... $11.59 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Pileated Woodpecker, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Plastic Bird, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH309 BB129 The Pileated Woodpecker is one of the biggest, most striking forest birds on the continent. It’s nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest. Look (and listen) for Pileated Woodpeckers whacking at... $12.99 $10.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Seagull, Sea Gulls, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Rubber, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3 1/2" CH308 BB129 Seagulls learn, remember and even pass on behaviours, such as stamping their feet in a group to imitate rainfall and trick earthworms in to coming to the surface. Gull, any of more than 40 species of heavily built web-footed seabirds of the gull and... $9.99 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, White Pelican with Fish, Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH274 BB124 One of the largest North American birds, the American White Pelican is majestic in the air. The birds soar with incredible steadiness on broad, white-and-black wings. Their large heads and huge, heavy bills give them a prehistoric look. On the water they... $12.99 $9.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Bird, Cormorant, Shag, Snake Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH273 BB124 Cormorant, also called shag, any member of about 26 to 30 species of water birds constituting the family Phalacrocoracidae (order Pelecaniformes or Suliformes). In the Orient and elsewhere these glossy black underwater swimmers have been tamed for... $9.89 $7.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Goose, Grey Goose, Chinese, Hand Painted, Museum Quality Rubber Bird, Educational, Realistic, Lifelike, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH259 BB123 The Chinese is one of the post popular and well known breeds of domestic goose. Unofficially, there are two kinds of Chinese geese: those that hate the world and everything that moves within it, and those which have to be picked up and carried to their... $6.99 $5.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Vulture, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH228 BB119 Vulture, any of 22 species of large carrion-eating birds that live predominantly in the tropics and subtropics, classified in the families Accipitridae (Old World vultures) and Cathartidae (New World vultures) in the order Accipitriformes. The 7 species... $12.99 $9.59 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Seagull, Sea Gull, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 7" CH211 BB118 Seagulls learn, remember and even pass on behaviors, such as stamping their feet in a group to imitate rainfall and trick earthworms in to coming to the surface. Seagulls are very clever. They learn, remember and even pass on behaviors, such as... $10.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Raven, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 3" CH210 BB118 Ravens differ from crows in appearance by their larger bill, tail shape, flight pattern and by their large size. Ravens are as big as Red-tailed Hawks, and crows are about the size of pigeons. The raven is all black, has a 3.5-4 ft wingspan and is around... $6.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Kiwi Bird, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 2 1/2" CH209 BB118 kiwi, any of five species of flightless birds belonging to the genus Apteryx and found in New Zealand. The name is a Maori word referring to the shrill call of the male. Kiwis are grayish brown birds the size of a chicken. They are related to the extinct... $10.59 $7.89 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Cassowary, Cassowaries, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH206 BB118 Flightless feathered family. The cassowary is a large, flightless bird most closely related to the emu. Although the emu is taller, the cassowary is the heaviest bird in Australia and the second heaviest in the world after its cousin, the ostrich. It is... $10.89 $8.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Eagle, Bald Eagle, North America, Museum Quality, Rubber Bird, Hand Painted, Realistic Toy Figure, Model, Replica, Kids, Educational, Gift, 4" CH204 BB117 The Bald Eagle has been the national emblem of the United States since 1782 and a spiritual symbol for native people for far longer than that. These regal birds aren’t really bald, but their white-feathered heads gleam in contrast to their... $12.99 $9.59 Add to Cart Compare